“I have fallen in love with business and entrepreneurship, so no matter what I decide to do when I am older, I am sure it will have something to do with this new passion.”
What is it like running a business while balancing school?
Running a business while balancing school can be super challenging. Trying to balance the SAT and meetings can get very overwhelming, very quickly. I have had to learn how to manage my time wisely a lot quicker than most of my classmates have. It is challenging working with people that have more normal business hours when I don’t get home until 9:00 at night, therefore my workday starts pretty late. However, the time management skills and people skills that I am learning early on in my career will serve me well for my future, which makes it extremely worthwhile.
What do your family and friends think about you running a business?
I would not have started a business and received all of these amazing opportunities, such as the Fortitude Fund, without my parents. My dad has always been there to discuss business issues I am facing and has kept me motivated throughout the process, especially when I get discouraged. My family helps keep the flame inside me alive. On another note a lot of my friends have heard a lot about my business because I will enthusiastically tell anyone who will listen to me, but many of them are truly not sure what I’m actually up to.

Does this affect future plans such as college, career, etc?
This has impacted my entire future plans! In my earlier teen years, I was convinced I was going to be a Veterinarian. Because of these opportunities, my vet school plan has gone completely out of the window. I have fallen in love with business and entrepreneurship, so no matter what I decide to do when I am older, I am sure it will have something to do with this new passion.
Why should students just "jump in" and not wait to start their own business?
Students should just “jump in” and start their own business because…why not? Why wait until tomorrow when you know you can accomplish something today! Don’t think you are required to have college or business school completed before you can start your own business. I was worried because I knew I didn’t know every aspect of business, however I found out that there is no written guide to entrepreneurship when you are passionate about something. Every single person’s experience is different, so, yes, having a degree in business would be extremely helpful but it shouldn’t stop you. Not to mention the amazing people in the community that have had my back through everything. School can’t teach you how to have a passion for an idea or motivate you to change the world, this is something you have to find in yourself. I have talked to a lot of people my age with revolutionary ideas but are too afraid to start something. There are a million reasons not to do something and if you don’t start something now, when are you going to?
“School can’t teach you how to have a passion for an idea or motivate you to change the world, this is something you have to find in yourself.”
Credits of the app creation: Benjamin Steyer, Nicholas Hawn, David Bell, and Andrew Luttenbacher