Fortitude Founder

Allen County
Founder Profile



Business Name

Scrambled Egg(s) and Fort Wayne Ink Spot

Founded Business Date


Fortitude Fund Grant Date

January 2019

Business Idea

Graphically illustrate issues of the Fort Wayne Inkspot newspaper.

Some of the best stories are waiting to be heard. It’s our job to tell them.

Bryant Rozier has been telling stories from the African American community for a long time. In the past, stories from minority communities have simply been overlooked. Now, he’s giving them the platform they deserve.

With his design and production company Scrambled Egg(s), Bryant has taken history and culture and made it relevant. As managing editor of the Fort Wayne Ink Spot newspaper, he tells stories from the heart of the African American community in Fort Wayne. He wants to marry the two and create a graphic issue of the Fort Wayne Ink Spot newspaper to tell stories in a whole new light.

Creating a graphic issue of this black-owned newspaper will set the groundwork for more stories to be heard, more exposure for the African American community, and bring history and present day to vibrant life.

Bryan Rozier is a Fortitude Founder whose innovative idea could positively impact the stories and generations of the African American community in Fort Wayne. His idea can grow and expand under the guidance and networking available at the Fortitude Fund and put our great city on a national stage.

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Business Updates

WBOI Presents: In Session Episode 012 Journalism

On this episode of WBOI Presents: In Session, we are joined by Bryant Rozier, Managing Editor of Fort Wayne Ink Spot. Our conversation focused on journalism. What influences create your voice, on the air and on the page? What separates a professional from an amateur even as technology gets better? How does telling a story with photography help to develop a storyteller’s style? That’s all on this episode of WBOI Presents: In Session.

Five questions for William Bryant Rozier

1. As we observe Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s 91st birthday, the average American is far too young to have any direct memory of him and his times. What was it about his life that we should be celebrating today?

Dr. King was one of the many voices of the movement who rose to be one of the strongest. He’ll always be an example of what happens when change meets opportunity meets leadership.

Contact Bryant Rozier